The Challenge

Each suicide is an individual tragedy and each suicide has a devastating ripple effect on the whole community. Bereavement following a suicide is like no other bereavement and can have devastating impacts on those who are left behind: families, friends and wider communities, however suicide is not inevitable and can be prevented if the signs are recognised and support provided. This new NI Protect Life 2, 5-year strategy aims to reduce suicides by better supporting those most at risk and providing information for those affected by a loved one’s suicide. PIPS Hope & Support works under the auspices of the Protect life 2 strategy and provides a range of community and professional training workshops and programmes, counselling, an holistic range of therapies, a drop in centre, however we at PIPS H&S know that no one organisation is able to address all the factors to reduce suicide risk and prevent suicides. That is why PIPS H&S engage with and have invited a number of stakeholders to deliver their specialist services from the PIPS H&S main office in Newry. Such as Nexus NI, SHSCT Community Addiction Team, Lifeline, Dunlewey Substance Abuse, Start 360, ensuring a range of safety measures are available to anyone who needs it.

Mental health

We appreciate that one shoe does not fit all and for this reason PIPS Hope & Support provides a range of professional counselling/ therapies i.e..  CBT, Cognitive behavioural therapy, person centred counselling, integrated counselling, couple counselling, family counselling, art therapy, play therapy, complementary therapy, mindfulness, yoga, and non-clinical interventions, such as telephone or text messaging or volunteer face-to-face talking which are important to support people with suicidal thoughts and keep them safe.

Bereavement Support

People who are bereaved by suicide are at higher risk of suicide, PIPS Hope & Support offer and provide meaningful support via a suicide bereavement family support worker and a range of counselling services and therapies

People who have been bereaved through suicide often value support from people with the same experiences. PIPS H&S provide monthly bereavement support on the last Wednesday of each month at 8pm – 10pm in the PIPS H&S main office Newry.

The period of immediate bereavement after a suicide is critical in providing support, advice and signposting. PIPS H&S is available to engage with bereaved families immediately following the death of a loved one.