Who We Are
NI Charity Ref: NIC102127
PIPS Hope & Support (formally Newry & Mourne) have premises at 50 Mill Street Newry and 39-41 Union Street, Lurgan. It operates as a Protect Life Resource Centre, it has been part funded by the Public Health Agency, under the auspices of the NI Suicide Prevention Strategy - Protect Life (A Shared Vision).
Northern Ireland is a community that has been blighted by suicide over the years. In the past it has not always received the attention and resources appropriate to the challenges that these issues present. this was addressed in 2003 when PIPS Hope & Support (Public Initiative for the Prevention of Suicide and Self-harm) was formed by people whose families had been devastated by the experience of loss to suicide. It is a community-based initiative committed to building relationships and working in partnership to reduce the impact of suicide.
The aims of the group are to:
- Save lives
- Offer advice and support to those affected by suicide and self-harm
- Encourage people to seek help and reduce the stigma of suicide
- Increase the communities awareness around issues about suicide and self-harm, menatl health and trauma
- Signpost and link people to places that offer help in their area
- Provide information and training
As advised by the Northern Ireland Protect Life (A Shared Vision) Suicide Strategy we engage in a multi-agency approach to suicide prevention we engage with Statutory/Voluntary & Community organisations, We also engage with individuals and families and incorporate such activities as free professional counselling, free complimentary therapies, Training and Education workshops, Presentations, Talks, Conferences & Seminars. Group support for anyone bereaved through suicide, one to one support, and befriending services
PIPS Hope & Support outreach its services across the Southern Trust, NMDDC and Upper Bann areas, and anyone requiring help or information can telephone the PIPS Hope & Support office on 02830266195. As a Protect Life Resource Centre we have numerous booklets that are available (free) on all kinds of issues ranging from Panic, Depression, Sleep Problems, Stress, Anxiety, Controlling Anger, Post Natal Depression and many many more.
In addition to this the charity also provide a PIPS Hope & Support Suicide Bereavement pack, this pack has, included in it, information that families bereaved through suicide will find helpful.
It is our belief that the continued commitment of partners in delivering suicide prevention skills, to help those who are emotionally vulnerable or at risk will contribute towards reducing inequalities and prevent suicides in the Northern Ireland.